Did you know FIU has a physical location in Italy?

FIU students can Study in Genoa at FIU's World Center either through their department (Faculty-Led) or as part of their Core Curriculum (Semester in Genoa). 

As part of the core curriculum, you can take a course in Art History (ARH 2051), Italian, Western Civilization: Europe in the Modern Era (EUH 2030), and Contemporary International Problems (INR 3081). For details regarding cost and to apply, you can follow this link to the Office of Education Abroad's Semester in Genoa page.

map italy cities
Cities in Italy with FIU programs and activities
SIPA25CastelSIPA (Faculty led) Spring 2025: Italy in the Renaissance
mou seals
FIU Delegation to Select Florida Trade Mission to Italy in November, 2024: Genoa Program Manager Giuliano Scarsi, Provost Elizabeth Bejar, Genoa Program Manager, Rachel Stowe, and Dean Michael Cheng from the Chaplin School of Hospitality