OVERALL EMERGENCY NUMBER: 112 (police, fire and medical emergency, number valid across Europe)
TAXI: 010 5966
EMERGENCY ROOM: PRONTO SOCCORSO Ospedale Galliera (closer) or Ospedale San Martino (bigger)
PRIVATE CLINIC: SYNLAB Il Baluardo (porto antico): 010 247 1034
Emergency Medical Care
Emergency medical care is available to all, even foreigners, provided by the state of Italy. The closest hospital to our academic facilities is Ospedale Galliera, but Ospedale San Martino is a bigger hospital and a good option.
Emergency Room
In case of a (real) medical emergency, call an ambulance (112 or 118) or go directly by cab to the emergency room (pronto soccorso) Of Galliera or San Martino. Bring identification such as your passport or a photocopy and know your local address.
Your program professor or the local program director may accompany you to assist with initial communication. However, new hospital regulations at Ospedale Galliera prevent anyone from staying with the patient.
Do not hesitate to go to the emergency room if you need care for any type of serious incident. Usually there is no charge, but if there is any charge at all it will be minimal. No need to indicate insurance coverage.
If you choose to go to the emergency room, your case will be evaluated and prioritized. A serious injury or real emergency will get more immediate attention than a minor ailment, but there may still be a wait. If you go in with a minor problem, for example an ankle sprained a week earlier, you may wait 4-6 hours, if not more. If you are really injured go to the emergency room (pronto soccorso) immediately, don't wait. If it is not a true emergency, there are other options.
Private Clinic
For conditions like a cough that won’t go away or a ankle sprained a few days earlier you can go to a private clinic (at your expense) for a consultation. SYNLAB Il Baluardo in the porto antico is a good option and provides a variety of services with usually a day or two wait for appointments (necessary). Many doctors speak English, and that can be requested. Don’t try to request an appointment the day before a trip.
Pharmacies, indicated by a blinking green neon cross, in Italy are able to dispense greater health advice and more potent drugs than their US counterparts. Often for a sore throat or stomachache a visit to the pharmacy is sufficient to receive adequate treatment.
Emotional Support
If you need to speak with someone about an emotional issue, there is available a young, female certified counselor who speaks excellent English. Contact information will be provided upon request for you to arrange a meeting, which will be at your expense. This is completely confidential and no report is made to FIU.