updated: 5 august 2022



The conditions of behavior and terms of responsibility are covered in the following three documents from the FIU Office of Education Abroad, which you will need to review, understand, and sign as an acceptance of the conditions they describe:

-  Study Abroad Participant Contract

-  Overseas Student Participation Agreement: Release and Assumption of Risk

-  Acknowledgment of Pre-Departure Materials

If there is flagrant misconduct, or a regular pattern of misbehavior, a student may be dismissed from the program with no refund of program costs. As well as adherence to FIU and Genoa program rules, misconduct would include, but not be limited to, breaking local Italian laws (drunk and disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, vandalism of property, etc.) or endangering the safety or well-being of the group, and if severe may warrant immediate dismissal from the program. Plus, we will not allow the misconduct of one person to damage the goodwill with the local community that we are building with the FIU Genoa Program.

There are also specific Genoa program rules listed below. The original "rules" of the program were minimal, relying on the good sense of the students to act responsibly and respectfully. Over the years and due to specific incidents or situations the program rules have had to be articulated to render certain conditions more specific.

noise in the apartments

We have had problems with students making excessive noise in the apartments, particularly in the evenings and at night. You are not being housed in “student facilities” but in apartment buildings that have non-student residents and they will not tolerate student lifestyle activities and noise. You must be quiet in the apartments at night after 10 pm, and you must be quiet in the halls and stairwells at all times. 

There are to be no loud “parties” in the apartments. You can have friends over for dinner, “get-togethers”, but parties with loud music or noise going after 10 pm are not allowed. This has created problems in the past with the neighbors, apartment owners and housing agency, and we must avoid this.

Repeated complaints from the owners and/or residents may result in the filing of charges with the police and/or loss of housing. We must maintain a positive rapport with the owners of the apartments, the other residents of the building, and the housing agency, and avoid legal problems for FIU.

house guests

There is a general policy against overnight guests in the apartments, as this has created conflict in the past among housemates. If you coordinate this with all of your housemates in agreement you may have a guest for a brief period of time: 2-3 days max. However it must be completely acceptable to all of your housemates. If a housemate makes a complaint to the program professor or director, the guest/s must leave the apartment the following day.

academic travel and local activities

Academic travel and planned activities are part of the program. All students are expected to participate with attention.

Guests (family, friends, local acquaintances) are not allowed to participate in FIU program academic travel or local activities.

We travel together, and for security's sake, there are no independent returns without the the knowledge and permission of the faculty person in charge. 

For FIU accounting/auditing purposes, all admission tickets to museums and sites and all transport tickets must be collected and submitted to the program director for FIU accounting in Miami.


Smoking is not permitted in the apartments or in the academic facilities.